Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Very UNUSUAL shape


1 Samuel 16:7

King James Version

7 But the Lord said unto Samuel, 

Look not on his countenance, 

or on the height of his stature; 

because I have refused him: 

for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; 

for man looketh on the outward appearance, 

but the Lord looketh on the heart.

Is it just me?

Or am I imagining it?

I've always thought our country has a strange shape.

Looks like a sitting dog, to me.

Is that why other countries make us the underdog?

Is that why some of my countrymen feel they are underdogs?

My apologies.

Sometimes, my over-active imagination gets the better of me.

And yet, look!

Doesn't my beloved country, the Philippines, have an unusual shape?

I mean, look at other land masses of the world.

Most countries, apart from Israel, are vast, landlocked.

My country's the cutest.

It's an archipelago.

As a kid, I learned we have 7,100 islands.


Wikipedia says we have 7,641 islands.

You mean, my country's still birthing?

How do islands form?

Geologist Emma Gillies says it's:

 "through the convection currents 

of the mantle"

Wow, heady stuff.

I won't even pretend to know.

(Though I once contemplated studying Geology.)

So I dig further:

"Mantle Convection on Earth"

As you can very well see, we are having mini lessons.

On geography, and geology.

No wonder tourists love it here.

For the beaches, people, and scenery.

A quirky shape.

A quirky people.

A quirky country.

Is yours, like ours?

Now, I'll tell you how we get around here.

Click the next post.

Related material:

Geography of the Philippines

Image: Free World Maps

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