1 Samuel 16:7
King James Version
7 But the Lord said unto Samuel,
Look not on his countenance,
or on the height of his stature;
because I have refused him:
for the Lord seeth not as man seeth;
for man looketh on the outward appearance,
but the Lord looketh on the heart.
Is it just me?
Or am I imagining it?
I've always thought our country has a strange shape.
Looks like a sitting dog, to me.
Is that why other countries make us the underdog?
Is that why some of my countrymen feel they are underdogs?
My apologies.
Sometimes, my over-active imagination gets the better of me.
And yet, look!
Doesn't my beloved country, the Philippines, have an unusual shape?
I mean, look at other land masses of the world.
Most countries, apart from Israel, are vast, landlocked.
My country's the cutest.
It's an archipelago.
As a kid, I learned we have 7,100 islands.
Wikipedia says we have 7,641 islands.
You mean, my country's still birthing?
How do islands form?
Geologist Emma Gillies says it's:
"through the convection currents
of the mantle"
Wow, heady stuff.
I won't even pretend to know.
(Though I once contemplated studying Geology.)
So I dig further:
As you can very well see, we are having mini lessons.
On geography, and geology.
No wonder tourists love it here.
For the beaches, people, and scenery.
A quirky shape.
A quirky people.
A quirky country.
Is yours, like ours?
Now, I'll tell you how we get around here.
Click the next post.
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Image: Free World Maps