Friday, July 26, 2024

CARINA the cruel

Mark 4:37

King James Version

37 And there arose a great storm of wind, 

and the waves beat into the ship, 

so that it was now full.

She ain't sweet.

She ain't gentle.

She's mean.

She's abrasive.

She lambasts you.

She lashes at you.

And she's covering as much ground as she can.

First, the Philippines.

Now, Taiwan, and southern China.

Feeling the wrath of her winds, and whims.

Other storms "whammed" at you.


I almost literally felt her "stabs" at my windows.

Threatening to break the few panes left.

I felt her growing threat, and power.

Ambushing me, as I wrote.

As if she wanted to stop me.

She's gonna stop a worker of GOD?

As Bart would say, "Eat my shorts!"

Ain't gonna happen.

Yesterday at 4am, I heard a loud explosion.

A transformer blew up.

A usual occurrence here.

Probably an overloaded circuit.

Maybe the wildly swaying tall bamboo trees hit the lines.

Power went out soon after.

And we tended to more leaks in our 50-year-old house.

Which, I'm grateful to GOD, has been holding up.

Yesterday, at dusk, I actually saw a lineman at work.

Saw him, from below our house, just at that EXACT moment.

He used a long pole, and "fished" a broken trunk from the lines.

If I had not seen it, I wouldn't have believed it.

That trunk hooked itself upside down upon the electric lines .

Leaves, branches, and all.

First time I'd seen that.

But the lineman did an astounding job.

With ease, expertise, and conviction.

Oh, the things GOD makes me witness!

Perhaps, that was the cause of the day's brownout.

We did have electricity in about an hour's time.

I just LOVE how GOD "plants" me in "strategic spots".

Where I can observe most things.

First hand.

He knew I'd tell you concrete examples.

To support all my articles.

Because man is usually skeptical.

But I've got proof.

I always want to make sure I've got proof.

No tall tales for me.

We've heard of "Ivan the Terrible".

"Bloody Mary".

"William the Bad".

"Charles the Mad".

"Louis the Do-Nothing".

All terrible monarchs.

So we shall call this storm, "Carina the Cruel".

International code name, "Gaemi".

Perhaps, we shall also call her "Gaemi the Gargoyle".

We learn this about "gargoyles":

"In architecture, and specifically Gothic architecture, a gargoyle (/ˈɡɑːrɡɔɪl/) is a carved or formed grotesque[1]: 6–8  with a spout designed to convey water from a roof and away from the side of a building, thereby preventing it from running down masonry walls and eroding the mortar between."

-- Wikipedia

Except in Carina's case, this "gargoyle" spouted water INTO buildings, not away from it.

Carina/Gaemi did NOT prevent water from "running down masonry walls".

She ERODED the "mortar between".

Have a look at what she's done (nine hours ago as I write this):

Of course, as Carina leaves our PAR (Philippine Area of Responsibility), another LPA (Low Pressure Area) hovers south, in Mindanao.

When that happens, we in the north feel it, too.

Because we're high up, we feel weather changes.

Or at least, I do.

My dreams tell me "stuff".

Carina's probably the strongest storm we've had in years.

I've noticed the past couple of years our summer's short.

The rains would come soon enough.

This year, summer was longer.

But Carina dampened all those sunny days.

As we experience weird weather here, surely you do, too.

We've heard of flooding where it doesn't flood.

Tons of tornado outbreaks in the U.S.

Even had dreams about it.

And found ties of it with "elections".

Strange connection, that one.

As I write this, I hear the sky rumbling.

I also hear rains coming -- soon.

We were warned there'd be more rains, even up to the weekend.

Well, it's Friday in the Philippines now.

My country men are resilient people.

We shall get through this, once more.

Nothing can dampen our spirits.

Except if we turn away from GOD.

That would be it for us.

My city alone, being up in the mountains, gets battered a lot.

Whether typhoons, or earthquakes.

I thank GOD our house has held up.

From all that decades of battering.

Even as our walls, windows, and roof bear the scars.

Well, the rain's a battering ram again.

I have to tend to the leaks.

But first, this article has to get to you.

As architecture grad, I must also tell you another thing:

Have NO obstruction on your roofs.

Chimneys for one.

Fireplaces can be pretty.

But once your house is old, the leaks come.

Many other things I can tell you.

It will have to be for another article.

Soon as I've accomplished that, I'll include the link here.

So, come back here, every so often, thanks!

Lastly, as born again, this I must also tell you.

No matter the troubles we may all face, or be in.

Weather-wise, or other-wise.

Only through JESUS can we be saved.

In ALL ways you can think of.

Mark 4:37-41

King James Version

37 And there arose a great storm of wind,

 and the waves beat into the ship, 

so that it was now full.

38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, 

asleep on a pillow: 

and they awake him, 

and say unto him, 

Master, carest thou not that we perish?

39 And he arose, 

and rebuked the wind, 

and said unto the sea, 

Peace, be still. 

And the wind ceased, 

and there was a great calm.

40 And he said unto them, 

Why are ye so fearful? 

how is it that ye have no faith?

41 And they feared exceedingly, 

and said one to another, 

What manner of man is this, 

that even the wind and the sea obey him?

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CARINA the cruel

Mark 4:37 King James Version 37 And there arose a great storm of wind,  and the waves beat into the ship,  so that it was now full . She ain...